Lessons in Laundering Violence: Postimperial Memories of Interimperial Conflict in Istanbul and Vienna
Our Principal Investigator, Jeremy F. Walton, is giving a lecture at the University of Vienna – Department of Near Eastern Studies (Turkish Studies) on 20 November, from 17:00 to 18:30 CET, as a part of the lecture series titled “Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and Central Asia: Conservation and Destruction”.
Find out more about his lecture “Lessons in Laundering Violence: Postimperial Memories of Interimperial Conflict in Istanbul and Vienna” here: https://orientalistik.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/i_orientalistik/Ringvorlesung_Turkologie/Walton_Abstract_and_bio_RV2024-25WS.pdf
More information on the Lecture series and Zoom link available at: https://orientalistik.univie.ac.at/fachrichtungen/turkologie/veranstaltungen/ringvorlesung-turkologie/
On Nostalgia, Abnegation, and Uncanniness in the Postempire
(Keynote Address by Jeremy. F. Walton)
Multilingual Imperial Linguistic Landscapes: A Case Study of Early 20th Century Sarajevo
(presentation by Kevin Kenjar)
Our research group leader Jeremy Walton, and postdoctoral researcher Kevin Kenjar travelled to Tbilisi, Georgia, to attend and participate the international workshop “Recovering & Uncovering The Past Of Diverse Communities In Imperial Spaces” from 12 to 13 September 2024. More about the workshop program here: https://oiist.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/mws-workshop-programme_2024-09-12-13.pdf
Recalling Queer Antinormativity: The Inviolate Man and Anticipated Modernity in Ivo Andrić’s Bosnian Chronicle
Our postdoctoral researcher Slaven Crnić gave a keynote lecture titled “Recalling Queer Antinormativity: The Inviolate Man and Anticipated Modernity in Ivo Andrić’s Bosnian Chronicle” at the international research workshop “The Political Novel through the Lens of Gender” organized by the project “Cartography of the Political Novel in Europe” (CAPONEU, European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme), at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (27-28 June 2024).
Art and the State in Modern Central Europe (18th – 21st Century)
We invite you to the presentation of “Art and the State in Modern Central Europe (18th – 21st Century)” edited by Josipa Alviž, Dragan Damjanović, Jasmina Nestić, and Jeremy F. Walton.
Time and place: on Thursday 9 May 2024, from 18:00 to 18:45 h, National and University Library in Zagreb, Hrvatske bratske zajednice 4, Stage II.
The presentation is a part of Kliofest History Festival 2024 – the program can be found here: https://www.kliofest.hr/
The Lausanne Project – Podcast: Episode 50
Our Principal Investigator presented the project and announced our international conference in May – find out more and listen to the podcast here:
From Ironic Heritage to Uncanny Legacies in the Post-Imperial Balkans?: A Conversation on vernacular histories between
Our Principal Investigator, Jeremy F. Walton, is participating a NAoH Roundtable conversation titled “From Ironic Heritage to Uncanny Legacies in the Post-Imperial Balkans?: A Conversation on vernacular histories between” which will be available online on Friday 12 April 2024!
Register for Zoom link and reserve your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-ironic-heritage-to-uncanny-legacies-in-the-post-imperial-balkans-tickets-862092781717
Use and abuse of historical analogies
Our Principal Investigator Jeremy Walton is participating the roundtable titled “Use and abuse of historical analogies” at the History Lessons Symposium in Helsinki (Friday, 24 November 2023, 15:00 – 16:30 h). More information about the conference program here: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/historylessons/program/
Between Inter-Imperial Violence and Inter-National Peace: A View from the Military Museums of Vienna and Istanbul
Our Principal Investigator, Jeremy F. Walton, is participating the international conference “Afterlives of Empire in the Public Imagination” in Rome, with his presentation titled “Between Inter-Imperial Violence and Inter-National Peace: A View from the Military Museums of Vienna and Istanbul” (Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 17:15 h).
Find out more on the international conference here: https://www.afterlivesofempire.com/
Commemorative Contradictions: On Post-Imperialist and Post-Socialist Sites in Zagreb
Our Principal Investigator, Jeremy F. Walton, is participating the conference “Relicts of the Ancien Régime – Socialist & Imperial Legacies and the City” with his talk titled “Commemorative Contradictions: On Post-Imperialist and Post-Socialist Sites in Zagreb”.
Find out more about the conference in Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (Berlin) here:
On interreligious sites of conflictual memory: lessons from Ayasofya and Klis
Our Research group leader, Jeremy F. Walton, will present at the Materiality and The Future of Inter-Religious Encounters conference, hosted by the Cambridge Interfaith Programme.
The presentation is titled “On interreligious sites of conflictual memory: lessons from Ayasofya and Klis” and scheduled during Panel 4 on Friday, 8 September, 11:30 – 12:30 (British Summer Time).
More information about the event, program details and Jeremy’s presentation at: https://www.interfaith.cam.ac.uk/materiality
Rethinking the anthropological enterprise in light of Muslim ontologies:
Secular vestiges, spiritual epistemologies, vertical knowledge
Convened by Lili Di Puppo (University of Rijeka) and Fabio Vicini (University of Verona)
Comment by Joel Robbins (University of Cambridge)
Chaired by Stefan Williamson Fa (Lund University)
Launching online event of the Muslim Worlds Network:
Thursday, September 7, 15:30 – 17:30 (GMT+3, Istanbul time)
Open discussion
Zoom link: https://univr.zoom.us/j/89405417840…
ID: 894 0541 7840
Passcode: 837816
Because of the difficulty anthropology continues to face in relinquishing its secular vestiges, field encounters with a not-immediately-perceptible reality, the realm of God, the invisible, and the otherworldly have usually been removed or deemed insignificant in anthropological accounts. In dialogue with the ontological turn and other recent developments in anthropology, in this presentation, we introduce our network advocating for a more profound reconsideration of the role that the encounter with other modes of knowing in the field might have for the discipline tout court. Proposing to include transcendence, the divine, and invisible realities in a reflection on anthropological knowledge per se, we foreground vertical knowledge intended as a mode of approaching knowledge that centers on the human ability to transform and experience the self in ways that also correspond to different modalities of perceiving reality.

Muslim spiritual trajectories in Russia and experiences of divine presence in a Bashkir Sufi circle
Our postdoctoral researcher Lili Di Puppo gave a talk titled “Muslim spiritual trajectories in Russia and experiences of divine presence in a Bashkir Sufi circle” in the framework of the DREST (Italian Doctoral School of Religious Studies) programme at the University of Calabria, on 18 April 2023. The seminar was coordinated by Prof. Francesco Alfonso Leccese.
Ottoman Pasts in the Balkan Present: On Ironies and Absences of Collective Memory
Our Research group leader, Jeremy F. Walton, will present at the Southeast European Studies Online Platform: New Research in Southeast European Studies, on March 22, from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, with the title “Ottoman Pasts in the Balkan Present: On Ironies and Absences of Collective Memory”.
More information on the lecture: https://seeffield.app.uni-regensburg.de/event/southeast-european-studies-online-platform-new-research-in-southeast-european-studies/
Zoom link: https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/62411825548?pwd=Y2pFL3V0aWNEQko2eXphQ2VJMFdTQT09
Meeting-ID: 624 1182 5548
Kenncode: 519637

Ottoman Selves, Ottoman Others: On Fives Sites of Post-Imperial Memory
Our Research group leader, Jeremy F. Walton, will present a webinar titled “Ottoman Selves, Ottoman Others: On Five Sites of Post-Imperial Memory” as a guest lecture for the University of Copenhagen.
In this lecture, he will offer a comparative portrait of five sites of post-Ottoman memory and forgetting, located today in five distinct nation-states: Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Greece, and Turkey.
Date and time: Thursday, February 16, at 14:00 CET
Zoom Link: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/62553075003

A remembering and worshipping landscape: Sentient landscapes, oneness and Muslim pilgrimage in Russia’s Muslim Urals
Our postdoctoral researcher, Lili Di Puppo, is joining the “Culture and Society” lecture series, at the Sociology and Anthropology Department, Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan), with an open lecture.
The seminar will start on Thursday, February 9, at 1:00 PM (CET), (6:00 PM Astana time).
Zoom registration link:
Meeting ID: 976 3561 4793
Passcode: 160664
Outline for the study of Nikola Tesla as a myth
Our postdoctoral researcher, Ivan Flis, is joining CAS SEE Seminars with Guests on Thursday, January 19 at 12 PM (CET) with his lecture titled “Outline for the study of Nikola Tesla as a myth”.
In this talk, Flis will propose an outline for the study of the memory and legacy of Nikola Tesla. Through a series of case studies spanning the period from 1856 to today, and contextualizing Tesla as a person produced by the post-imperial (Walton, 2021) spaces of the now disintegrated Austro-Hungarian Empire and the “hidden” empire of the United States (Immerwhar, 2019), his aim is to reconstruct the many overlapping monomythical images of Tesla produced during his life and after.
Zoom registration link:
More about the event:
A landscape remembered and remembering: protecting the sacred land of the Bashkirs through pilgrimages in Russia’s Muslim Urals
Our postdoctoral researcher, Lili Di Puppo, is joining the Sociology Colloquium at the Institute for East European Studies (Freie Universität Berlin), with her lecture titled “A landscape remembered and remembering: protecting the sacred land of the Bashkirs through pilgrimages in Russia’s Muslim Urals”.
More information at the link:
Linguistic Landscapes in Sarajevo: A Micro-Historical Approach
Our postdoctoral researcher, Kevin Kenjar, is travelling to Mytilene, Greece, as a guest speaker for LESoL Seminar Series – Language, society and ethnography, at the Laboratory for Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Language (University of the Aegean, Department of Social Anthropology and History).
His talk, titled “Linguistic Landscapes in Sarajevo: A Micro-Historical Approach” will present his research on the dynamic linguistic landscape and language ideologies of Sarajevo, particularly those of the late Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian periods.
The seminar will start on Tuesday, December 13, at 21:00 (Greece time).
Zoom registration link:

The Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences is the most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic. The 2022 Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences will run from 31 October – 6 November 2022.
Our Research group leader, Jeremy F. Walton, will present at this event with a presentation on the Post-Ottoman sites of memory outside Turkey. Click on the title for more information!